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Greg Smith shares his experience and knowledge of photography in these interesting and intriguing articles that provide a rare insight into the art of photography. The articles are Adobe PDF documents. You will require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

The Magic of Waterfalls

The Magic of Waterfalls by Greg Smith

From my earliest years in photography I have been intrigued, drawn to, and mesmerized by falling water. As a very young explorer in northern Ohio I was introduced to Brandywine Falls, now part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, but in the 50’s it was just a private reserve and a relatively unknown part of this narrow overlooked canyon south of Cleveland. Later I would move to Upstate New York and find several beautiful hidden falls in the hills and glens of that wonderful green, and white, landscape. Read the Full Article.

Photographing Light Houses by Greg Smith

Photographing Light Houses by Greg Smith

Lighthouses have a long and very interesting history and have been built on every continent in the world except Antarctica. From the time of the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and Africa, to Europe and the Far East they have saved countless ships and thousands of lives from certain death by their beacons of light and in later ages, by their bellowing sounds from fog horns heard miles away at sea. For photographers, they offer a great variety of potential visual relief to seascapes and coastal landscapes that no other element can offer. Read the Full Article.

Capturing Images in National Parks by Greg Smith

Capturing Images in National Parks by Greg Smith

The concept of National Parks as pristine reserves of the most beautiful parts of a country that would be designated by the government and protected from all commercial exploitation was essentially an American idea in the mid 19th Century, and the first natural landscape to be so designated as a national park was Yellowstone National Park in 1872. This park is situated primarily in the state of Wyoming but extends into Idaho and Montana as well. Today, there are fifty-eight parks in the US system, and hundreds of national monuments, historic sites and nature reserves that provide sanctuary for the animals and plants that reside there, as well as stunning and often unique landscapes. Read the Full Article.

Capturing Images in National Parks by Greg Smith

Here’s What You Can Expect from Our New 2024 Photographic Tour!

If you love photography and want to explore new places, we’ve got something exciting coming up for you. Joining a photo tour is one of the best ways to enhance your photography skills. At the same time, you will also get an opportunity to visit some of the most amazing places in the US. Whether you are a novice or an experienced photographer, we are here to offer you a trip that you are going to remember for a lifetime. Read the Full Article.

©2025 Exclusive copyright of all text and images by Greg Smith.
No reproduction or use without written permission.
